Healing Touch: Partner Stretching & Thai Yoga Massage with Daniel Orlansky
Friday, April 18
7:15-9:45pm • Newton
With partner stretching and Thai Yoga Massage, we will open blocked areas in the body, bringing harmony, lightness, and joy to our being. Partner stretching incorporates PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) resistance techniques to deepen flexibility, while Thai Yoga Massage uses gentle pressure, acupressure points, and soothing joint manipulations. Together, these practices create a powerful combination to relieve muscle tension, enhance circulation, improve flexibility, and ease lower back pain.
Wear comfortable loose fitting clothes or yoga clothes.
Required Props: please bring two yoga mats (mats are available to rent for $3 at the studio)
Cost: $75 per couple
Note - only one of the pair need sign up.