As a school and a community, we welcome all identities related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, body type, ability, status, language diversity and we affirm, defend, and invest in Black lives.

Yet, all may not feel welcome and so we commit to the work of educating ourselves and taking action to nurture diversity.

We may stumble, err, and be awkward allies, but racial justice begins by accepting the role we have played in the systematic oppression of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

Down Under’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA) Initiative holds our school accountable for in-house systemic work, overseeing hiring and support roles for BIPOC teachers, scholarships to teacher training, feedback forms and social justice programming.

 In 2020 we created our BIPOC scholarship fund to actively recruit and amplify Black yoga teaching voices in our community.

The school fully funds the scholarships, and gives over $15,000+ in scholarships per year. To date, we have awarded scholarships to 30 talented students. Some of them are now your favorite Down Under teachers. 

Now accepting scholarship applications for the Fall 2025 200 Hour Training and the 2026 300 Hour Training. 

Due by 05/09/25

Due by 10/24/25

Donations to our scholarship program are welcome.

Faculty Voices

 Student Feedback Form

Use this form to share feedback or concerns about your experience at Down Under School of Yoga. You have the option to remain anonymous, but if you wish to be contacted please provide your preferred contact information below. The information you provide will be sent to our Student Care Manager for review and if possible someone will contact you to follow up.