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The Ashtanga School Weekend Intensive

  • Down Under School of Yoga United States (map)

Join Down Under’s Ashtanga faculty for a full weekend of workshops.

Sign up Early - All workshops have Early Bird pricing of 20% off until the end of 2024!

See all workshop options, locations & prices below.

Mastering the Float & Fly of Ashtanga with Sam Glannon

Friday, March 21

7:30p-9:30pm  • Harvard Sq, Cambridge

Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.

Cost: $50

Sign up Early - Early Bird pricing of 20% off until the end of 2024!

Please bring a mat, yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3

Ashtanga Adjusting & Assisting Clinic with Elliott McEldowney

Saturday, March 22

1:30-4pm • Porter Square, Cambridge

For many students, the experience of an ashtanga yoga class is tied to the adjustments and assists the teacher provides. But the current discourse around physical adjustments and consent has complicated our approach to touch in the studio. How do we resolve the question of adjustments in the ashtanga tradition with how we now teach students?

In this adjustment workshop, we’ll discuss the traditional approach to hand-on adjustments and work through strategies for adjustments and assists that respect consent, keep students safe, and are sustainable for the teacher. We’ll look at the alignment of many of the asanas from ashtanga primary and second series and we will workshop ways to adjust that maintain stability. We will encourage students to deepen their experience of the pose safely and under their own power.

We will do a short practice to warm up but most of our time will be spent learning and experimenting with adjustments and assists through partner work. Some familiarity with the ashtanga sequence would be helpful, but is not required. This will be a very hands-on experience: please be comfortable with giving and receiving touch. 

Cost: $50

Sign up Early - Early Bird pricing of 20% off until the end of 2024!

Please bring a mat, yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3

Twisting Technique with Abby Keene & Paulina Haduong

Saturday, March 22

6-8pm • Porter Square, Cambridge

Our spines are beautifully dynamic. It can be easy to only focus on forward folding and backward bending, but the twisting poses in ashtanga can teach us a lot about what our bodies and minds are capable of. In this workshop, you’ll go on a twisty journey with Paulina and Abby to learn more about your spine, develop better awareness of your body in space as you rotate, and consider how rotation can support spaciousness in the body. We’ll experience rotated triangle and side angle, marichyasana C and D, bharadvajasana, and parighasana. You can opt in to receiving individual feedback and hands-on assists.


  • Understand spinal anatomy

  • Improve vocabulary surrounding twisting poses

  • Develop a checklist to use in every rotating shape

  • Increase subtle body awareness

  • Receive individualized feedback and support in your twisting journey

Cost: $50

Sign up Early - Early Bird pricing of 20% off until the end of 2024!

Please bring a mat, yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3

Super Led Primary & Conference with Sam Glannon 

Sunday, March 23

8:00-9:30am Conference 9:30-10:30am • Harvard Sq, Cambridge

Conference is a beloved Mysore tradition where Ashtanga teachers and students from our 3 Mysore schools (Harvard, Brookline and South End) gather to share food, wisdom and inspiration on practice.

Conferences explore a specific topic related to practice and are a unique opportunity to ask questions about asana, philosophy or any aspects of yoga, and to learn from and connect with colleagues. 3 times a year the Ashtanga communities unite for a communal Led Primary followed by a breakfast conference at our Life Alive Cafe at Harvard Square.

Cost: $28 drop in (or use any active DUY class pass)

Please bring a mat, yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3

Exploring Prana & Apana: Handstands, Backbends & Energy Channels with Didi von Deck & Kate Bush

Sunday, March 23

1:30-4p • Porter Square, Cambridge

Ashtanga is a practice that uses the body as a vehicle to explore subtle energies. This workshop will introduce the five vayus, and explore ways to recruit grounding (apana) and expansive energy (prana) to deepen your practice. Apana is accessed in the pelvis by engagement of mula bandha, or the root lock. This anchoring is what enables us to float and fly and be steady in standing poses, as well as standing on our hands. Once stable in the downward moving energy of apana, prana; or upward flowing energy can be cultivated. Back bends affect the energy body by purifying the nadis, opening the chakras, and increasing prana or upward flowing energy.  Back bending asanas expand prana, energizing the body and opening the heart while building strength and suppleness in the spine, legs and shoulders. Join us for this well-rounded practice journey!

Cost: $50

Sign up Early - Early Bird pricing of 20% off until the end of 2024!

Please bring a mat, yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3

March 8

Steadiness & Joy: Yoga for Your Entire Life - Retreat to Mexico

April 12

The Art of Assisting