The Backbend Breakdown with Abby Keene
Sunday, October 6
12:30-2:30pm • South End
A successful backbend requires anatomical precision and deep bodily awareness. It delivers freedom and emotional suppleness.
This workshop will explore the commonalities of all backward bends– from the subtle layers of the nervous system to the superficial layers of skin and bone. Expect to explore spinal anatomy, the essential ingredients for an injury-free backbend, experiential drills, and an all-levels backbending flow with emphasis on real-time feedback and an open floor for questions and discovery.
Appreciate the anatomy of the spine and its role in a backward bend
Gain a checklist that takes you through the essential ingredients of a safe backward bend
Understand how to integrate healthy backward bends into your daily practice
Cost: $55
Yoga mats are available to rent in studio for $3