Trey Toombs leads Mysore at the Ashtanga School at Down Under and a senior program manager at Brigham Research Institute.

He's always been active; avidly involved in athletics throughout his youth, his experience with yoga began later while in grad school as a way to support his passions for skiing and cycling, which consumed most of the (little) free time he had. However, it wasn't until he found Ashtanga that yoga became central to his life. In this practice of yoga, Trey discovered the transformative process that yoga offers to all who are willing. It was like returning to a place he left long ago. Trey looks forward to sharing with other students a practice that has given so much to him.

As a molecular biologist by training and a current professional in the biomedical research field, Trey brings a scientific approach to the way one's breath, posture, and awareness, when used in the right combination, provides a powerful catalyst for self-transformation.

Practice with Trey

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