Gregor Singleton, E-RYT-500, is a Master Baptiste teacher and began training with Baron Baptiste in 2000. He co-facilitated boot camps and teacher trainings with Baron from 2004 to 2011.

A native of Scotland, Gregor studied English Literature and Theatre at Trinity College, Dublin, and trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. When Gregor found Baptiste Yoga he at once saw that its intense physicality offered unique opportunities for breaking free of disempowering cycles. More fully engaged with his body, he began to see that the truest form of self-expression was not to be on a stage playing at being someone else, but to fully and completely inhabit his own being. Gregor draws on his experience with literature and the dramatic arts in his delivery of Baptiste Yoga. He is known for his philosophical and expansive, yet grounded approach to the teachings of yoga.

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