Steph's journey over the last five years has been one of meaningful impact and professional achievement in both the yoga and real estate realms. As a dedicated yoga instructor based in Boston, Steph has honed her skills and philosophy to create a unique approach that extends far beyond the mat.

In her yoga classes, Steph goes beyond the physical aspects, guiding her students towards self-discovery and a deeper understanding of their bodies and minds. Steph's yoga classes are intense and are a dynamic fusion of traditional yoga with strength training elements. The practice takes the foundational principles of yoga and intertwines them with vigorous and targeted resistance exercises. The result is a high-energy workout that challenges both the body and mind in a unique and demanding way. Steph's commitment to her students and their growth is evident in the sense of community she fosters. Through collaborative practices and open discussions, she transforms her classes into nurturing spaces for growth.

Steph's success in the real estate industry is a parallel testament to her dedication and pragmatism. Her journey from yoga to real estate might seem divergent, but the principles she upholds remain the same: a strong focus on individual needs, effective communication, and the development of lasting connections.

Take Class With Steph