Rachelle found yoga after years as a competitive athlete in gymnastics, cheerleading, and rugby took a toll on her body.

Completely awestruck by its magic, she soon began to feel the benefits yoga has to offer physically, mentally, and spiritually. It provided her with new tools to face challenges head on, empowered her to take control over her life, and taught her the importance of surrender. Over the past 8 years her practice has evolved and strengthened, with a current focus on hot power flows that help her feel more present, fluid, and in tune with her body. Inspired to deepen her understanding and gain more knowledge, Rachelle completed her 200 Hour Teacher Training at Down Under Yoga under Dr. Sabbi Lall, Michael Ponte, Kate Heffernan, and Braxton Rose. She is currently furthering her education in the 300 Hour YTT.

In her classes, she aims to create a safe space for self-discovery and encourage her students to show up just as they are. She hopes that through this, people are able to explore their yoga goals/intentions through awareness of the breath, the physical body, and thoughts.

Rachelleโ€™s favorite poses are Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III), Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), and Headstand (Sirsasana). When sheโ€™s not on the mat, you can find her walking in nature, making fresh pressed juice, or dancing the night away under a disco ball!

Practice with Rachelle