Lyn has been practicing yoga for two decades and greatly credits yoga and meditation for helping her cultivate a generally positive disposition despite life’s challenges.

Although her relationship with yoga has evolved over the years, her commitment to the practice and love of learning have remained steadfast. Lyn’s mission is to share what she’s learned so far and to encourage her students to realize their own potential by showing up, exploring their bodies through movement, gently quieting the ego and eventually stilling the mind. It is her core belief that you don’t need any forces or influencers outside of yourself to gain absolute freedom and fulfillment if you learn how to use the right tools. Victimhood is a trap; self-empowerment the goal. While Lyn is naturally drawn to a physically vigorous asana practice, these days she enjoys more personal freedom in flow, luxuriating in slow motion transitions and finding a greater craving and appreciation for rest and recovery. Her sequencing is carefully crafted, allowing for transitions that feel good on the body while also facilitating a smoother journey towards a moving meditation. Lyn is grateful to be able to merge her passion, energy and creativity into teaching and to connect with others whose aim is to expand on all levels, honour their amazing bodies, be less judgmental and trust in their own intuitive wisdom. The mat is your canvas. Be the painter, paintbrush and painting all at once. It’s all a practice..

Take class with Lyn

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