One of Lindsy’s favorite parts of yoga is how humbling it is. More than a decade into her practice, there continues to be more to learn, to feel, to grow and even to laugh at herself in class. Lindsy is a dedicated student of the practice and since completing her first teacher training in 2014, she has continued her studies under the guidance of Ame Wren, Daniel Max, and Tim Kelleher.

The moment she walked out of her first yoga class, she knew it would be a part of her life forever. Movement had always been a large part of Lindsy’s life growing up as a competitive gymnast and cheerleader, but there was a disconnect she did not know until that first time on the yoga mat.

At that time - in true Bostonian fashion – she struggled with vulnerability, rarely shed a tear, and thought being strong was to not share or feel emotions. One hour into her first yoga class, she lay on her mat in savasana and began to cry. She knew from that moment on this practice would transform her life into something bigger, better, and more beautiful. The idea that a student might someday experience a similar sense of wholeness, embodiment and joy that she has found through her own practice, remains the most inspiring and rewarding part of being a teacher. 

Take Class with Lindsy