Music for Nourishing the Soul

by Donna Gross-Javel

It’s difficult to find words for what many of us are feeling as a result of all the horrors that are present in our world today. Shock, fear, anger, grief are a few that come to mind. 

For many practitioners of yoga, Pranayama, the practice of regulating one’s breath, is an integral part of our practice.

The word ‘Prana’ has a rich meaning.

Not only does it translate to ‘breath’ but it also conveys, ‘Life, Force, and Energy’. I like to imagine my body filled with Breath, filled with Life, filled with Force and Energy’.

B.K.S Iyengar once said ‘breathe better, live better’. 

And yet, I have to confess that when I need Pranayama the most, when my heart feels punctured and my soul feels dark and heavy, that’s when I find it most difficult to focus on my breath.

In times like these, there are certain pieces of music that I turn to. These pieces allow my heart to feel the sadness and become more receptive to healing.

Recently, when I shared this ‘playlist’ with one of my yoga students who’s soul needed a gentle hug, she responded with such appreciation and gratitude that I decided that perhaps this playlist could help others as well. 

After listening to one, or all, of these selections, my heart feels like it has received a warm embrace. I feel more ready and able to do Pranayama and I become more receptive to the possibilities of transformation that lie within.


Sarah Schermerhorn’s practice shifts with motherhood

