Providing Opportunity for a Bigger, Bolder Yoga Practice

It's been a dramatic change from my previous lifestyle as a contractor for multiple yoga studios across the North Shore and Greater Boston Area to teaching full-time at Down Under.

Leaving the freelance yoga gypsy lifestyle has me excited to spend more time, at home, and in the studio. My old grind had me traveling a lot further and teaching less, essentially working more for less of the good stuff (work experience, community engagement, $$$). Working with Down Under, we were able to come up with a condensed schedule and achieve things I've struggled to find anywhere else, two full days off and a livable wage. Is it perfect? No way, but the upgrade certainly pulls a lot of weight off my back. You can probably imagine, being well-rested makes for a better presence during class and hopefully stronger connections for all who are joining us. Only time will truly tell...

Beyond having an upgraded schedule that promotes work-life balance, I'm excited to continue to meet all of you! After all, this position doesn't mean anything without you and our community. Since pursuing the role as a yoga teacher, I have intended to lead as a warm beacon. I intend to get to know how the practice moves you; to show you how magical your yoga already is; to lead you with care and intelligent movement. Our unique opportunity for evolution begins here. See you on your mat.

Marco Vinci

Marco (he/him/they) is a yoga practitioner and Reiki master from the North Shore. For Marco, yoga is a way of rediscovering oneโ€™s truth in a partnered dance with the ego.

Without getting too deep and methodical, this practice gave Marco the courage to overcome the shadows of conditioning and trauma. Not long after beginning yoga, Marco was finding progress in his ability to connect to the poses and with the body awareness, his heart was opening up. With daily practice, his personality opened up to a version greater than he had ever known. This led him to meet many gifted souls with practices that would assist Marco beyond his healing. What Marco recognized through these teachers of light was their unconditional love for helping others who didnโ€™t always get the lesson, at times including Marco. He spent a lot of time practicing and a lot of time emulating and asking questions. He quickly realized holding this space for others would become a life purpose. 


Sara Bravo maximizes the potential of online yoga.


Full-Time At Down Under